Real France,
Real Close

OOH | Print | Display | Native | Paid Social | Paid Search | Video

Pas-de-Calais needed a communication campaign to support tourism from the UK during the recovery from the Covid health crisis. Pas-de-Calais is often overlooked as a destination so we needed to target diverse audience segments who favour short breaks and real, authentic experiences in a lesser-travelled part of France.

Working with our creative agency partner, we created an integrated campaign to reach people in the southeast of England to increase awareness, partner sales and visitor numbers to Pas-de-Calais.

The activity supported local tourism, hospitality and attraction partners in their recovery post-Covid.

Pas-de-Calais tourism agency has loved working with Zest [creative agency] and Fabbrica [media agency]. They form a warm and welcoming team. They are very responsive and demonstrated an ability to analyse and transform needs that blew us away. Despite a tight schedule they produced our best UK marketing campaign in record time.

Diana Hounslow, Director, Pas-de-Calais Tourisme


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